What You’ve Helped Us Accomplish in 2014

People like YOU make our work possible! 

Each time we launch our boat, grab a water sample, or speak to a civic group… you’re there with us in spirit! The Coosa River has a head and a mouth, but no voice. Coosa Riverkeeper is the voice of the Coosa River, speaking on its behalf. We consider people like YOU, our membership, to be the heart of our organization!

One of this year’s biggest successes has been the expansion of our patrol fleet by adding a truck and a large deck boat, the Laura Moore II. The Laura Moore II, named after the only steamboat to ever navigate the entire Coosa River, has increased our ability to patrol our lakes! Plus, it will allow us to take important members like you with us on the river to see its beauty and the issues it faces!

With your support, we make ripples in the community… 

will you donate today?


In the past year, your membership dollars have helped us:

Thank you for your continual support and love for the Coosa River! Happy Holidays!

See you on the river in 2015,

Coosa Riverkeeper Staff & Board of Directors

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