Who We Work With
Although we are the only watchdog-advocate on the Coosa River in Alabama, we aren’t alone. We work closely with many other groups towards common goals of a healthy river.
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We are members of Waterkeeper Alliance, an international alliance of over 350 water conservation groups on 6 continents working to protect their local waterways.

In Alabama we are joined by our fellow Waterkeepers: Black Warrior Riverkeeper, Cahaba Riverkeeper, Chattachoochee Riverkeeper, Choctawhatchee Riverkeeper, Hurricane Creekkeeper, Mobile Baykeeper, Little River Waterkeeper, & Upper Coosa Riverkeeper. Coosa Riverkeeper is a proud member of Waterkeepers Alabama.

On the lakes of the Coosa River we work with homeowner organizations on every lake: Neely Henry Lake Association, Logan Martin Lake Protection Association, Lay Lake HOBO, Lake Mitchell HOBO, and Lake Jordan HOBO.
Other citizen-based organizations we work with on various issues include the Southern Environmental Law Center, The Nature Conservancy, Alabama Rivers Alliance, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, and the Union of Concerned Scientists.
The regulatory/governmental agencies we work with (and sometimes against!) include the Alabama Department of Environmental Management, the Alabama Department of Public Health, Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Geological Survey of Alabama, the Alabama Surface Mining Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.