Knowledge is power, and what better way to gain knowledge than to read a book (or 5)! We surveyed our staff and some of our board members to what conservation-minded books influenced their career or their opinion on our natural world. Check out what some of them had to say!
Braiding Sweetgrass was an enchanting read that literally wove indigenous plant knowledge, science, and all the things that nature can teach us. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in history, plant medicine, and self-reliance. – Justinn
The Omnivore’s Dilemma dives into where our food comes from, what the environmental impacts are for different types of food industries, and taught me how to better fuel my body (and be a better/more environmentally conscious consumer)! It’s a book I truly love and changed my life! – Abby
One of my favorite’s that helped me think about the way I spend time in the outdoors with my dog is Merle’s Door! – Chad
The Secret Wisdom of Nature: Trees, Animals, and the Extraordinary Balance of All Living Things by Peter Wohlleben is a solid ecology book that teaches the interconnectedness of different ecosystems and biospheres. There’s one chapter that focuses on trophic cascades that occur without the presence of a keystone species like wolves. It is a fun read, and a great way to learn about natural processes. – Jake
Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey took me to a place and time, the American Southwest desert in the 1960’s, before national parks such as Arches and Canyonlands saw pavement and parking lots. Abbey makes my soul ache at a primal place somewhere deep in my DNA. But The Riverkeepers by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. serves as the book that has most inspired me to fight for our Alabama rivers, to protect and preserve them for our own enjoyment and survival, as well as for the generations to come. – Kristin Trowbridge-Alford
Scroll through these recommendations and add them to your fall reading list… what are you waiting for?!

Want to keep reading? Check out our Education page for even more recomendations! We hope this list gives you some ideas and helps you cozy up with a good book this fall!
Happy reading!