Things you may be thinking right now… at the start of summer:
It‘s not the heat—it’s the humidity.
Is it hot enough for ya?
Man, it’s hot as all get-out!
It must be 90 in the shade.
You could fry an egg on the sidewalk.
The lake feels like bath water.
We know of a way to beat the heat, head to a watering hole!
Southerners think of watering holes as places you go to socialize and beat the heat… so mark your calendars and come eat, drink, and be merry with us throughout the summer. Each of the bars, restaurants, and breweries listed below are helping us raise awareness about our work and help keep your swimmin’ holes clean by donating a percentage of sales at each event! So invite your friends to these watering holes!
2019 Watering Hole Series

5/30: Giving Night at Cahaba Brewing
6/6: Giving Night at Ghost Train
6/13: Giving Night at Coosa River Craft House
6/20: Hop City 10% Night
7/9: Rojo 10% Night
7/2: Back Forty 10% Night
9/28: Pepper Place & Autumn AirWave
We have even more restaurants, bars, marinas, and breweries to add to this list! If you know of a place we should reach out to, email us at [email protected]!